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  • 執筆者の写真hkytara

TARA Seminar on July 2nd

A TARA seminar will be held as follows.

Date: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019 Time: 16:30-17:30 Venue: Seminar room, 2F, Bldg. A, TARA Center [Map Speaker: Haruka Ozaki, Ph.D. (Associate professor, Department of Bioinformatics, Faculty of Medicine and Center For Artificial Intelligence Research University of Tsukuba) Subject: “Bioinformatics for understanding complicated biological phenomena”





The seminar will be given in Japanese.The slides are written in English.




Our new member

We have new member, Eri, junior in Medical Sciences, joined our lab in last November. Welcome Eri! We updated “Lab Members” page.

A new paper has been published

Our lab member, Ryutaro’s paper can be read on the website.  Please find the link below for the paper. R. Ishii, H. Yanagisawa*, A. Sada*: Defining compartmentalized stem cell populations with distin

A review article has been published

A Review article by Yoshito and Hiromi has been published on the Clinical Science online website. Y. Yamashiro and H.Yanagisawa: The molecular mechanism of mechanotransduction in vascular homeostasis

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