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TARA International symposium on Mar. 8

 TARA International symposium will be held as follows.Leading reseachers in this field will give you remarkable talks. We look forward to seeing you.

Date: Friday,March 8th, 2019 Time: 10:10-17:10 Venue: 1F Auditorium, IIIS Bldg. University of Tsukuba [Map




Our new member

We have new member, Eri, junior in Medical Sciences, joined our lab in last November. Welcome Eri! We updated “Lab Members” page.

A new paper has been published

Our lab member, Ryutaro’s paper can be read on the website.  Please find the link below for the paper. R. Ishii, H. Yanagisawa*, A....

A review article has been published

A Review article by Yoshito and Hiromi has been published on the Clinical Science online website. Y. Yamashiro and H.Yanagisawa: The...


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