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Information on TGSW2018

Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018 (TGSW2018) is being held at Tsukuba Congress Center from Sep. 20th to 22nd.

Hiromi is one of the panelists in the session held on 22nd, which is titled “Beyond the border: how we realize the diversity and gender equality in the future?” This session will be given in Japanese language, but some other sessions will be in English or in both English and Japanese. More information will be found at TGSW2018’s website. 

TGSW2018 - session8-18 poster



Our new member

We have new member, Eri, junior in Medical Sciences, joined our lab in last November. Welcome Eri! We updated “Lab Members” page.

A new paper has been published

Our lab member, Ryutaro’s paper can be read on the website.  Please find the link below for the paper. R. Ishii, H. Yanagisawa*, A....

A review article has been published

A Review article by Yoshito and Hiromi has been published on the Clinical Science online website. Y. Yamashiro and H.Yanagisawa: The...


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