Kaori attended RamanFest 2018 in Tokyo on Jun. 25th and 26th, and received the first prize for her poster presentation.
Hiromi, Yoshito and Kaori attended the 50th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Matrix Biology and Medicine in Fukuoka on Jun. 29th and 30th. They participated in the workshop (Hiromi), oral presentation in “Tissue Remodeling” session (Yoshito), and poster session (Kaori). Congrats to Kaori for her YIA award!
On Jul. 2nd, the kickoff symposium of the Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA) was held, and the professors including Hiromi gave talks. Also, Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Nobel Prize-winning cell biologist, gave a special lecture on his research in the symposium.
We have added the photos from these events in the Photo page.